Monday, February 4, 2008

Unchurched Friend Interview # 1

Before I believed that I could have a true relationship with the deity in the sky that created the universe, I believed that life was for living and that living was for a good time. Of course, there are many different ideas on what exactly "a good time" means, I believe that I adhered to the more pleasurable side of life...some would even call it hedonism. The means by which I sought this were quite spiritual however, for I began to seek "out of this world experiences" and gained these a number of ways...a few of which being alcohol and drug use.

During this time in my life I associated with individuals who of the same mind and similar purpose of have a good time. The first unchurched friend that I began a dialog with is of this sort and still lives with the same philosophy of life. Although we both hold very different views in contrast to God, the church, faith and matters of spirituality there is much that was learned and this was a true and honest attempt at understanding not only long-held beliefs by my unchurched friend but by my myself 6 years prior.

This is has been our dialog thus far:

1. Has there ever been a time in your life when you believed and or doubted in the existence of a God? Please explain.

don't think i have ever doubted in my life that something exists only who. I am under a firm belief that most if not all organized religion is mad made. it something to help man grasp what he can't comprehend yet. i fully believe in a higher power i just don't know what to call them/it/they/her/he.

If there were a God, or if you believe in God or a god; would you think that he/she/it/they wants to be involved in the activities of our lives? If your answer is yes, what would this look like? How would you go about discovering whether or not a God or gods wanted to take part in the personal affairs of humanity?

from what i has seen and personally been through i believe that whoever is up switches and levers is just watching us. to see what we do and what we become... a science experiment of sorts if you must. see there is one thing in all religions that remind the same. Good vs. Evil... it the only factor that everyone can agree on.

What are your thoughts about Jesus? Did He exist? Why do you think that so many people insist that He came and that it was necessary? If Jesus did come or even if He did not is He relevant for today? Why or why not?

i believe that story of Jesus is a nice fable. if the man existed he was no god or part of a holy trilogy. he was just a man who cared do much that it gave people around him hope, almost like magic. the catholic church has never really stood very well in my book. in history they have killed more people for the wrong reason then almost all the usa involved war combined and tripled. they have lied and covered up more truths then any dictator in world history. it's the only religion that shames you out of money to simple make a bigger steeple or add another statue of st. jude when in their own book it tells them not to make temples of gold and silver. they are one of the only religions i know of that try to convert people so aggressively that it almost seems insulting at times. i also see more hate, rage, and prejudice come from them then any other people i have seen(accept the Nazis and KKK - those people just hate for reasons they don't even know)

4.What would you say the greatest need in your community is?

Frostburg needs.....hmmmm..... wow, so many needs in such a small area.
i think what it needs the most is a hangout for the younger generations. something guys like us didn't have. a place where they can meet up and not feel like that have to watch out all the time. a place that is going to give them other options then just what’s out there now. a skate park, a pool hall, hell even a malt shop would work....just something so that drugs, drinking, sex, and trouble don't seem like their only options.

If you were looking for a church to attend what are some things you would look for?

i would look for a church or temple that reflects it's teachings. a church that gives way more then they receive place of reflection and answers or even guidance. now that I think about it, the best church you will ever find is the one that lays at your feet... when it's time to talk to the man...drop down and talk...i think that would hold more meaning then making it a point to visit a certain place.

What advice can you give to pastors who really want to be helpful to people?

I think that he missed this one!

7. When you hear people talking about “the church” or “Christians” or “Christianity” what are you initial “gut reactions”…what are some words you would use to describe your feelings?

usually i try to steer clear of those conversations... Catholics are very hairy to talk to about religion because they as so passionate about blind faith. they don't need proof to be correct. i must admit it makes me happy to see people content and in bliss with the feeling that religion gives them... I just can't help but feel sorry at the same time thinking "what if they are simply being led and that’s the lesson we need to learn"

8. From your personal experience and the experience of others how do you think the church views individuals who do not go to church…and how do they view “lost” people. Do you feel that this is appropriate or inappropriate? How could the church or Christians be better?

i get three types of people in that respect. the kind feels sorry that you will burn in hell but they are very nice and polite about it. the next ones are basically the same but they make it a point not to be nice to the "non-believers". and the last are the ones that have their faith and don't press it on other people. i believe the church would do a lot better if they would be a lot more honest with the world and themselves. they try to censor what they think we don't need to know about and then deny it when it slaps them in the face. i think they should start by following a lot more of their own binding principals in their faith....from what i have read about Christians and Catholics ...they are some of the nicest people on the planet, but most of them never show that side.

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