The following Speaker notes are from Dan Miller talking about Transforming the Community.
He took Berean Bible Couses and has been Pastor and Associate Youth Pastors.
Divine guidance has led into amazing things.
Off topic marriage tips:
- never keep records of wrongs
- never raise your voice to your wife (God gave you her as a gift yelling at her is yelling at God)
- Get married quick!
His church was recently spotlighted on the 700 club.
If you are going to change you community you have to be seen. People must perceive you as if you have something to offer.
You transform the community by stopping: thinking about the church. God told us to build the Kingdom! God is first, the community is second, the church is fifth.
"Member services are out" Ministry needs to revolve around Kingdom Principle.
To change the community we need to change our mindset.
When Dan first arrived at Back Mountain Church there were only 15 people in the church, the facilities were run down and viewed by the community as cultic or as a secret community. He began to go out into the community earned the right to speak into peoples lives by being genuine.
The church he went to only had $32.00 in the check book. Upon arrival the 15 individuals that were there were shortly introduced to other churches that would "fit" them better.
There cannot be fighting among Christians within the church based on styles of preaching and praise. The only frustrations we should be having is from trying to win people over who have not been saved.
Upward programs at the church help introduce people to Christ.
Upward basketball programs: is built on the premise of life skills (team player, integrity, kindness to officials etc.) and focuses on playing not winning!
Other Upward programs:
flag Football
Basketball Camp
Cheer leading Camp
Soccer Camp
Mission Camp
At all the programs students commit to participate in devotions, and these devotions can be led by individuals from the communities, coaches, etc.
When there was enough money to build a building the typical church center was not built but the Rock Recreation Center.
While driving around on his motorcycle in nice neighborhoods God asked him "how are you going to minister to that doctor, to that lawyer, to that business man?" The Lord told him to build a facility that they would go to!
Membership fees are charged: Student Memberships are $199.00; Single Membership is $239.00; and married couples are $459:00. Money is not necessarily made off of this the memberships help but the church supports it.
The building is currently listed as a non-profit 501 c3
The next project is to build a sanctuary that also functions as a school, dinner/theatre, etc.
This guy is passionate! This guy is passionate! This guy is passionate! This guy is passionate!
He is humble and sincerely believe in the power of God!
The goal of the church is to minister to only 1000 people but to minstre to 10,000's of people in the community.
There are rarely altar calls during Sunday service: the Sunday service is for equipping the saints to win people outside the church!
I am wondering how or what discipleship looks like. Another way of asking is the assimilation of people into the church or if that even happens. Is it a goal of the Rock Recreation Center? Is it supposed to funnel people into the church?
- A brief response to this is that they do not go to the church but they go to the people of the church, which eventually leads them into the church!
- In order to strengthen the discipleship process the pastor admits they are weak but if he were to look down on the church they would need to develop more discipleship classes. This would involve follow-up of the individuals who accept Jesus. Small groups are also going to help with the process.
- The way discipleship is going to be done is: three pronged. The major focus is to attach people to a small group that study the word of God.
- The second is to extend personal invitation to new converts to a small group.
- Other concern is that it seems that you have to be a special type of person to be able to do something like this.
- Response: If God is for you, who can be against you? If God goes before you...
- If God has called you: He will empower you!
- I tend to over think things but I wonder if you question your call that you are not called.
- Does a calling have to come down to one moment? If you are truly called will you or should you remember this moment?
- Can a calling develop over time? What does it feel like? How is it seen? What questions do you need to ask to discover this? How would a new convert discover whether or not he or she is called into the ministry?
It also might seem that the church has grown mostly because of Dan Millers personality. One of the fears is who is being raised up to take the place when Dan is no longer there?
- When it comes to the Rock Recreation, the Pig Roast, the Nativity Dan is hands off. He might give altar calls every now and then but other than that everything has been handed off.
- Finding people that have the following qualities or can answer the question: do you fill called to ministry. Is the requirement to serve at the church! Second question is what are your strategies? If God calls you he will give you strategies to reach that area.
- "Eagles fly alone" if you are youth pastor, executive pastor, children's etc.
- One of my difficulties with this is the mentoring factor.
- Another quality that needs to be in place is: subordination. Loyalty! The goal of the guy underneath should be to make the other guy better!
- Pet Peeves: after service is over not interacting with the people who are there is a pet peeve. smacking and shaking hands, kissing babies, etc is expected.
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