Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Courntney--Glad Tidings

Courtney is only 24 and is a Pastor at Glad Tidings Assembly of God. She graduated from VFCC in 2006, and oversees the varsity student ministries.

The core of the youth is driven by small groups! It helps new comers get connected and allows leaders to feeel that they are investing in the life of students.

One of the biggest adjustments moving from college to being a youth pastor was learning that you are always being watched. Learning to balance cutting age and relevant ministry with holiness has been a difficult struggle, but being able to have an open dialog with the Pastor and Youth Ministry Director has helped significantly.

Some other issues that have been encountered is the transition from children's church to youth. One of difficulties is that parents try their best and succeed at sheltering their kids and keeping them on the right track. This results in mostly all Christian kids getting together for children's church. Then when these same children make a transition into the youth group setting and these same students come into contact with children who did not grow up in the church and the parents become worried and concerned that their kids might make bad decisions about who to hang out with and compromise their beliefs.

When it comes to discipleship it does not seem that big and crazy outreaches are effective as they might at first seem. tons of kids would come, get saved, but not come back. Their outreaches were not changes students lives.

Deep and wide is a survey done by Doug fields (see handout) to discover whether or not discipleship and evangelism is effective in what it should be doing.

Some Observations from survey:
While 89.1 % of students feel comfortable at Real Life, and 68.1 % of students say they would feel comfortable inviting a friend on ANY night...

While 57.1% of our students claim to have be Christians with a growing faith...nearly 2/3 of our students read their Bible and pray Less than once a week or never, and only 1/3 of our students feel thy could defend the existence of God.

Courtney had a wealth of information, and after speaking with Eran Holt a few times about how Glad Tidings does youth ministry it really makes a lot of sense. I also think that i will check out more information on the surveys, results, and organizations of the data.

Courtney seems incredibly sensible and passionate about her position and about students. It is also very encouraging to see a female youth pastor who is doing amazing things!
One out of four students had NEVER BROUGHT a friend.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dave Crosby Jr.

Dave went to Messiah college for psychology and business and also took Berean classes. Daves first position was on staff with his dad David Crosby as a youth pastor and music pastor.

It was good but there were challenges with working with my father. it is was important to respect the boundaries and position of pastor but was easy to accidentally step over boundaries.

Microeconomic development is where there is a community of extremely poor people who are willing to work and helping them start out there own businesses. Macroeconomic develoment is on a larger scale. This idea was birthed out of a passion to reach restricted areas with the Gospel but through a different means than preaching. Mostly it is a humanitarian effort that provides health services and products to these nations and countries.

Over time, approximately 2 years, he began to miss the daily grind of the local church. After one unseccessful ten year plan for a church plant; got began to resurrect a new vision and desire. His plans moved from Hershey, PA to Poconos, PA.

One of the most important things in ministry is marrying the right person. "That decision can make or break you!"

There were many ethical decisions with this type of move because God seemed to be calling David jr back to the Poconos to start a church in the same community that he used to be on staff a a church there. The bottom line was asking and investigating whether or not this was from God.

During this process and journey of life finding a mentor was an essential step...through prayer, an opening of eyes and pursuing relationships that landed him in the middle of solid mentoring relationships.

David describes the church as multicultural with over 40 nations being represented. The average attendance of the church is from 800-1100. Although the church is big numerically and only five years old it is immature in many respects...very similar to some of the things that you encounter when raising a child, except there is less control!

One thing that many church planting manuals and other curriculum will not address is that of "waiting for the power of the Holy Spirit"; through prayer. This was the primary ingredient that finished the recipe of the passion that God began in Dave's heart.

Additionally, vision and a strong leadership team is important...because there are times where you have to brace for a snow storm..."when you plant a church every "flake" in town will come.

The vision of the Poconos church is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Modeling this concept in personal lives is essential in completing the vision of the church. Teaching the vision and articulating it in everyday life is essential! Some ways that this is currently being done is through adressing needs in the community and reach out with the love of Christ, in a practical way, to make a difference! They are doing a blood drive with the American Red Cross! It is amzaing that the church does not meet in a church building but in a local High School!

Another way, is by providing food for those who have to choose between food or gas. Another thing is to do a gas buy down at three different stations where they will buy the gas and sell it for a dollar cheaper! What an amazing concept...not only does it reach people with the love of Jesus but it also provides great advertising for the church and Jesus because every newspaper and news station come to check it out.

Events do not have to have a lot of money to do great outreaches...water bottle give aways to mailmen, bus-drivers, etc. This builds great community support...it lets people and organizations know that someone cares!

The only way to get people saved is to invite people to get saved...a lot of time is spent thinking about first impressions. The work really hard to make the first 7 minutes impressionable in a good way. It needs to be friendly, easy, and enjoyable! It can be as easy as having people in the parking lots waving hello/good morning. Also showing that there is a value on children and that they are in safe hands. There is also free continental breakfast and Starbucks coffee. Also to connect with individuals sermons series are used alot and also secular music to start off some of the sermons.

As for discipleship David recognizes that the church might be a little on the weak side. As he has recognized this as one of his weaknesses he makes it a strength by using some purpose driven information.

The purpose driven church idea is relatively old based on helping individuals intentionally seek after God. Spiritual growth is an intentional process. Using the baseball diamond can be a framework on specific bases and foundation on which we need to begin to build foundations on. At each "base" a covenant is agreed upon! First base begins with membership then on to 2nd base which is considered maturity (exhibiting Christ in life; committing to daily habits!) Third base is ministry every member is a minister: priesthood of all believers. Home base is mission: living out purpose God designed for you.

A healthy church should have 33% indivdiuals who are living in sin (not saved or even close). 33% should have made a decision for Christ and be on 1st or second base. Another 33% of the church should be composed of bases 3 and 4: they are on fire for God. We try move individual in the community from a "come and see" mentality to a dedication and fire form God.

In every church the goal should be to reach the different levels of people: community, crowd, congregation, committed, and core.

A fault of any system is that a person can go through all of the classes and jump through all of the "hoops" their hears still might not be changes.

Another system employed in conjunction with the previous is the SHAPE model. Spiritual, Hurt, Abilities, Personality, and Experience.


I am wondering if 60 hours a week is a normal work week for a pastor; regardless of the size. I wonder if that is necessary to grow a church. Is this healthy for the church, for the pastor, or for the family? I know that it can be done and great rewards for both the church and the Kingdom of God occur because of individuals hard work however it seems that this type of mind-set can be risky!

I am highly impressed by his demeanor and humility. He does not come across as with a "haughty" attitude but one of simplicity...although he is a very knowledgeable and complex individual.

Of the many people that we have hear speak thus far I look at Dave and say "that is a person that I would like to follow after!" The other speakers have definitely been inspirational and led me to think a lot about thinking outside of the box. I would like to learn how youth pastors have decided whether or not they value the same things as their senior pastors and whether or not this will effect the relationship for either a positive or negative effect.

I am also wondering whether or not the model that Dave uses from both SHAPE and Rick Warren would work in other settings. Additionally, where would this model work best: with families, youth, commuter communities, and even rural communities? Are there any things that make Poconos Church excel that other areas do not have?

I think that it would be nice to hear from churches where "nothing is happening" at least according to some of the previous church planters we have heard. I am wondering how a struggling church can win people for Jesus. Would a free breakfast and Starbucks even work in some areas?

When I think about some churches that I know about, at least in a rural area, I do not see how, or why an unsaved individual would want to step foot in a church!

It would also be nice to have a list of resources or top 10 reads that Dave would recommend for discipleship, church planting, evangelism, pastoral, etc. to help individuals grow and read good stuff!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Believer Interview # 1

The following interview is with a woman who just recently accepted Christ as Lord in her life and attends SVCC. Sadly, I think that I was the second or third person to do an interview with her...I probably should have asked different questions!

It does seem that she is a "baby" in Christ, and although her attitude and posture towards many things might be offensive toward some (you would not be able to tell from her responses) it is refreshing to even be able to find a new believer in the church that I attend! I can think of churches that I have attended that I would not be able to find a new believer! I would be lucky to find a Christian that had only know the Lord for less than 5 years...and it would probably be a student from youth!

The more I began to think about this the more I began to wonder if the church is fulfilling its mission? And if it is not, how can it begin to do so? Especially when considering some of the older traditional churches...maybe they do not want to reach a younger generation because they would have to adapt different ways of thinking and doing music, or different style of preaching, but is there a way for them to reach their own generation? Statistically, that would be a difficult challenge but I would love to investigate and hear stories of how an older church that is more traditional would go about reaching people their own age with the Gospel of Jesus Christ...and if this even happens!

Tell me about your journey to faith in Christ.

I am still a baby in Christ and I am getting to know Him more and more each day.

What helped you the most to step over the line and make the commitment?

Trials and tribulations; Christ has really been revealing

Himself to me.

What has been the best part of becoming a Christ follower for you?

Getting to know Him and realizing how much He truly

does love me.

What has been the most challenging part of following Christ?

Changing my worldly habits; still working on it.

What do you think is helping you grow the most in your faith?

Reading God’s word.

What advice do you have for me in helping others like you to grow in their faith?

Get to know God by reading the bible, prayer, and believe!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Dan Miller: Transforming the Community

The following Speaker notes are from Dan Miller talking about Transforming the Community.
He took Berean Bible Couses and has been Pastor and Associate Youth Pastors.

Divine guidance has led into amazing things.

Off topic marriage tips:
  • never keep records of wrongs
  • never raise your voice to your wife (God gave you her as a gift yelling at her is yelling at God)
  • Get married quick!

His church was recently spotlighted on the 700 club.

If you are going to change you community you have to be seen. People must perceive you as if you have something to offer.

You transform the community by stopping: thinking about the church. God told us to build the Kingdom! God is first, the community is second, the church is fifth.

"Member services are out" Ministry needs to revolve around Kingdom Principle.

To change the community we need to change our mindset.

When Dan first arrived at Back Mountain Church there were only 15 people in the church, the facilities were run down and viewed by the community as cultic or as a secret community. He began to go out into the community earned the right to speak into peoples lives by being genuine.

The church he went to only had $32.00 in the check book. Upon arrival the 15 individuals that were there were shortly introduced to other churches that would "fit" them better.
There cannot be fighting among Christians within the church based on styles of preaching and praise. The only frustrations we should be having is from trying to win people over who have not been saved.

Upward programs at the church help introduce people to Christ.
Upward basketball programs: is built on the premise of life skills (team player, integrity, kindness to officials etc.) and focuses on playing not winning!

Other Upward programs:

flag Football
Basketball Camp
Cheer leading Camp
Soccer Camp
Mission Camp

At all the programs students commit to participate in devotions, and these devotions can be led by individuals from the communities, coaches, etc.

When there was enough money to build a building the typical church center was not built but the Rock Recreation Center.

While driving around on his motorcycle in nice neighborhoods God asked him "how are you going to minister to that doctor, to that lawyer, to that business man?" The Lord told him to build a facility that they would go to!

Membership fees are charged: Student Memberships are $199.00; Single Membership is $239.00; and married couples are $459:00. Money is not necessarily made off of this the memberships help but the church supports it.

The building is currently listed as a non-profit 501 c3

The next project is to build a sanctuary that also functions as a school, dinner/theatre, etc.

This guy is passionate! This guy is passionate! This guy is passionate! This guy is passionate!
He is humble and sincerely believe in the power of God!

The goal of the church is to minister to only 1000 people but to minstre to 10,000's of people in the community.

There are rarely altar calls during Sunday service: the Sunday service is for equipping the saints to win people outside the church!

I am wondering how or what discipleship looks like. Another way of asking is the assimilation of people into the church or if that even happens. Is it a goal of the Rock Recreation Center? Is it supposed to funnel people into the church?
  • A brief response to this is that they do not go to the church but they go to the people of the church, which eventually leads them into the church!
  • In order to strengthen the discipleship process the pastor admits they are weak but if he were to look down on the church they would need to develop more discipleship classes. This would involve follow-up of the individuals who accept Jesus. Small groups are also going to help with the process.
  • The way discipleship is going to be done is: three pronged. The major focus is to attach people to a small group that study the word of God.
    • The second is to extend personal invitation to new converts to a small group.
  • Other concern is that it seems that you have to be a special type of person to be able to do something like this.
    • Response: If God is for you, who can be against you? If God goes before you...
    • If God has called you: He will empower you!
  • I tend to over think things but I wonder if you question your call that you are not called.
  • Does a calling have to come down to one moment? If you are truly called will you or should you remember this moment?
  • Can a calling develop over time? What does it feel like? How is it seen? What questions do you need to ask to discover this? How would a new convert discover whether or not he or she is called into the ministry?

It also might seem that the church has grown mostly because of Dan Millers personality. One of the fears is who is being raised up to take the place when Dan is no longer there?
  • When it comes to the Rock Recreation, the Pig Roast, the Nativity Dan is hands off. He might give altar calls every now and then but other than that everything has been handed off.
  • Finding people that have the following qualities or can answer the question: do you fill called to ministry. Is the requirement to serve at the church! Second question is what are your strategies? If God calls you he will give you strategies to reach that area.
    • "Eagles fly alone" if you are youth pastor, executive pastor, children's etc.
    • One of my difficulties with this is the mentoring factor.
  • Another quality that needs to be in place is: subordination. Loyalty! The goal of the guy underneath should be to make the other guy better!
  • Pet Peeves: after service is over not interacting with the people who are there is a pet peeve. smacking and shaking hands, kissing babies, etc is expected.
Listening to Dan talk about his vision, the plans, and details that God gave him 25 years ago makes me wonder whether or not this same kind of idea can be reproduced in other areas of the country. Is this something that works in rural areas as well as urban and inner city? It would be interesting to have a filter that could be used to show how a person or church would implement such a plan or whether or not it would even work in the area.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Unchurched Friend Interview # 1

Before I believed that I could have a true relationship with the deity in the sky that created the universe, I believed that life was for living and that living was for a good time. Of course, there are many different ideas on what exactly "a good time" means, I believe that I adhered to the more pleasurable side of life...some would even call it hedonism. The means by which I sought this were quite spiritual however, for I began to seek "out of this world experiences" and gained these a number of ways...a few of which being alcohol and drug use.

During this time in my life I associated with individuals who of the same mind and similar purpose of life...to have a good time. The first unchurched friend that I began a dialog with is of this sort and still lives with the same philosophy of life. Although we both hold very different views in contrast to God, the church, faith and matters of spirituality there is much that was learned and this was a true and honest attempt at understanding not only long-held beliefs by my unchurched friend but by my myself 6 years prior.

This is has been our dialog thus far:

1. Has there ever been a time in your life when you believed and or doubted in the existence of a God? Please explain.

don't think i have ever doubted in my life that something exists only who. I am under a firm belief that most if not all organized religion is mad made. it something to help man grasp what he can't comprehend yet. i fully believe in a higher power i just don't know what to call them/it/they/her/he.

If there were a God, or if you believe in God or a god; would you think that he/she/it/they wants to be involved in the activities of our lives? If your answer is yes, what would this look like? How would you go about discovering whether or not a God or gods wanted to take part in the personal affairs of humanity?

from what i has seen and personally been through i believe that whoever is up switches and levers is just watching us. to see what we do and what we become... a science experiment of sorts if you must. see there is one thing in all religions that remind the same. Good vs. Evil... it the only factor that everyone can agree on.

What are your thoughts about Jesus? Did He exist? Why do you think that so many people insist that He came and that it was necessary? If Jesus did come or even if He did not is He relevant for today? Why or why not?

i believe that story of Jesus is a nice fable. if the man existed he was no god or part of a holy trilogy. he was just a man who cared do much that it gave people around him hope, almost like magic. the catholic church has never really stood very well in my book. in history they have killed more people for the wrong reason then almost all the usa involved war combined and tripled. they have lied and covered up more truths then any dictator in world history. it's the only religion that shames you out of money to simple make a bigger steeple or add another statue of st. jude when in their own book it tells them not to make temples of gold and silver. they are one of the only religions i know of that try to convert people so aggressively that it almost seems insulting at times. i also see more hate, rage, and prejudice come from them then any other people i have seen(accept the Nazis and KKK - those people just hate for reasons they don't even know)

4.What would you say the greatest need in your community is?

Frostburg needs.....hmmmm..... wow, so many needs in such a small area.
i think what it needs the most is a hangout for the younger generations. something guys like us didn't have. a place where they can meet up and not feel like that have to watch out all the time. a place that is going to give them other options then just what’s out there now. a skate park, a pool hall, hell even a malt shop would work....just something so that drugs, drinking, sex, and trouble don't seem like their only options.

If you were looking for a church to attend what are some things you would look for?

i would look for a church or temple that reflects it's teachings. a church that gives way more then they receive place of reflection and answers or even guidance. now that I think about it, the best church you will ever find is the one that lays at your feet... when it's time to talk to the man...drop down and talk...i think that would hold more meaning then making it a point to visit a certain place.

What advice can you give to pastors who really want to be helpful to people?

I think that he missed this one!

7. When you hear people talking about “the church” or “Christians” or “Christianity” what are you initial “gut reactions”…what are some words you would use to describe your feelings?

usually i try to steer clear of those conversations... Catholics are very hairy to talk to about religion because they as so passionate about blind faith. they don't need proof to be correct. i must admit it makes me happy to see people content and in bliss with the feeling that religion gives them... I just can't help but feel sorry at the same time thinking "what if they are simply being led and that’s the lesson we need to learn"

8. From your personal experience and the experience of others how do you think the church views individuals who do not go to church…and how do they view “lost” people. Do you feel that this is appropriate or inappropriate? How could the church or Christians be better?

i get three types of people in that respect. the kind feels sorry that you will burn in hell but they are very nice and polite about it. the next ones are basically the same but they make it a point not to be nice to the "non-believers". and the last are the ones that have their faith and don't press it on other people. i believe the church would do a lot better if they would be a lot more honest with the world and themselves. they try to censor what they think we don't need to know about and then deny it when it slaps them in the face. i think they should start by following a lot more of their own binding principals in their faith....from what i have read about Christians and Catholics ...they are some of the nicest people on the planet, but most of them never show that side.