Tuesday, March 25, 2008
David Kennard: Riverside Community Church
He just got done doing a series called "Things I wish Jesus Never Said". Some titles that are included are love your enemies, gouge your eye out, etc.
He would not consider the church seeker sensitive but sensitive to seekers! Some ways that this occurs is to help individuals feel comfortable and unpressured to give. Other ways is to use contemporary music during praise and when there is a big word or a theological term that it is explained and in context. There is also a high value placed on using scripture in context.
The ideas above seem to contribute to the 15% non-Christian attendance on any given sunday! That is amazing! I wonder how a culture is created where unChristians feel comfortable in a church! Don't the church people look down on the others and judge those who are smoking outside of the building? I wonder what "types" of non-Christians attend the church...business men and women? Suburban families? Harley riders?
More than just attending church non-Christians attend "small-groups" with other Christians! That is amazing! How is this possible? What is the common thread? What do they have in common? One way this works is by providing some kind of service for the community where the Christians are almost incognito! "Chicks with Sticks" is a small group of women who Crochet hat and caps for children with cancer! There are probably only 3 Christians out of a potential 20 that attend the group!
The goal of these groups is not to proselytize the other members but they want to give back to the community.
Another way is through golf, tennis, biking, hiking, canoing, geneology groups etc. They advertise these groups in the news paper and they get started.
He calls this free market small groups. These are groups that start because someone is interested in waht they do regardless of what that might be and they create a group for that!
An equation that is used is Discipleship=Relationship+Intentionality. "Lets talk about faith in the context of real life of what happening right now." Diseases, deaths, births, etc. This is not a strategy or program but is a way of life. There are some churches that implement this type of group where there are more people involved in small groups than their are in the church. Church events become venues by which individuals can feel comfortable visiting the church.
If you don't have a small group ministry in the church how do you start one. There must be a leader who will dedicate time, research, and education to creating small groups. This must be supported by the lead pastor. And draw attention to the priesthood of believers.
This type of small group seems interesting because the leaders of the group prepare and go deep with God because they are expected to always be ready and sensitive to those who are seeking.
Another intersting idea is that a group or type of service that exists does not always stay around if their is not a heart-beat for that type of ministry.
Another neat concept that was talked about in regards to the discipleship process and growing process of individuals is the Growth process diagram. It is 360 degrees and is cyclical. It begins with Christianity 101 this begins in winter it is a time to dream. The person changes and the old man is dying and a new person is emerging. In spring is Christianity 201 and the theme is developing. Christianity 301 is discovering who you are strengths and weaknesses etc. Christianity 401 is dedication of lives and Christianity 501 is devotion.
Something interesting was seen when the church did a survey. The survey showed that individuals who had been in the church for more than 4 or 5 years prayed less than individuals who just accepted Christ. This is puzzling but it stirred the pot for creating new ways and new ideas to connecting with God. It seems that the church was focused so much on serving that they failed to get close and learn to know God. One of the ways the church is helping people engage the Bible is by beginning a 9 month long sermon series that will be broken up into 9 or 10 series. Families will be encouraged to read "the story" it is in novel form. They youth ministry will be doing the same thing. Children's ministry will also be doing the same. These will be read in both believer and non-believer groups. It is a church wide journey.
Another thing that i though was phenomenal was the idea of using incredible stories developed directly from a small group community in both sermon series and for introducing small groups. Riverside community church is not a church with small groups but a church of small groups.
Although there are some amazing things that happen in small groups..it does not always turn out the we want.
One time a guy did not come home and he was found dead...he had committed suicide. Another time a husband with two kids had many many homosexual affairs. Small groups are messy! Another example is where two wives decided to up and leave their husbands. Most of the people still attend the church.
A revolutionary concept: "you will not have 85% of your congregation involved in small groups if they are attending Sunday night service, Wednesday night service, and morning service!" I think that this is a great concept that bears a lot of truth. There is just not enough time in a week for individuals to schedule too many things! If small groups are always introverted focused Bible studies then the small groups will die. Their needs to be outward focus. 40 days of purpose and 40 days of community are two resources that shape the DNA of small groups at Riverside Community Church.
I am excited to hear about small groups and the potential for reaching the unchurched and non Christians. Small groups seem to be an incredible way of developing Christians and reaching unchurched. However, small groups seem difficult to manage and develop.
I also feel that trying to incorporate something new in a traditional church or even a church that is somewhat contemporary would be met with incredible resistance.
I would also like to learn how the youth culture reflects the DNA of the church at Riverside Community Church.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Nick Poole APC
Initially after graduating from CBC he never saw himself running board and leadership meetings for a church of over 200. With Allison Park, Nicks role can be this at times. This organization is called a multi-church movement.
There is also called MCM ministry school that works with Mission SOS in Stockholm; it trains students and individuals to be church planters in difficult areas. The target audience for this school would be high school students that incorporate Berean courses and also graduating studetns.
A church plant has just been initiated in Tarentum, PA. There has been a small group meeting that met in a house for a while but eventually that house was sold, but around the same time a boxing gym became available and they now meet there.
Some of the things that were done right according to Nick is set up and tear-down. This process only takes about 30minutes. There were also preview services they did 5 and the next time this happens there will only be 3 preview services. Also rather than launching in the winter they will probably launch during the fall.
Some other things that will be changed for the next church plant is securing a worship leader to be there for all of the events and services. Two things necessary for a church plant is a pastor and a worship leaders! This is usually difficult because there is no pay associated with the position...it is necessary to sell the vision and have them grab a hold of it.
Another thing to work on is getting more people from the actual community involved. The mother church lends people to the church plant and already they are beginning to go back to the mother church. From a pastoral perspective it can be painful for individuals involved in the church plant to go back to the mother church. On the flip side there are many people that will get involved in a church plant because they do not like the mother church. There will always be individuals in the church who want something that the church cannot provide. In either case a church plant can be a good idea because it allows individuals to "leave well". One of the challenges is the attituteds being carried into the church plant...also toxic motives and agendas.
One of the church plants launched a second service, but there were many people that did not see a reason for a second service even though there were lack of seats during a regular service. One of the things that helped make navigating these issues successful was casting the vision of reaching the lost, drawing focus to the mission and the heart of Jesus...this usually helps individuals endure those things that they do not necessarily enjoy about the service.
Before Nick even began the process of being involved with APC he was a youth pastor at a more traditional church. The church was an interesting dynamic because initially there was one AG church but it split and Nick became a youth pastor at the one that split. This was interesting because there were many in the church did not like Nick because he grew up in the area and went to the other church and he was considered a traitor.
One of the hang-ups he ran into right out of school that he wished he was better at was asking the right questions during the interview to understand the vision of the pastor for the church, and the leadership style of the pastor (hands-off or involved).
Another misconception is that a small church is an unhealthy church...this is not necessarily true there are many factors that go in to the environment of the church...the community they are in the income level, the relationships created in the church.
One of Nicks primary goals at the different churches he serves at is to equip pastors. He does not want to be seen but desires to work behind the scenes to support the pastor. He wants to help make the Pastor as great as he can be.
Some of my initial impressions that I have of Nick is that he is a learner. It seems that he tries to learn as much as possible. The position that he has could easily lend itself to arrogance and a sense of power that could be abused. But I see that he sees himself as coming along side of pastors and helping out in any way possible!
He seems very knowledgeable and laid back...both adaptable and flexible. Very personable and a great servant leader!
I actually interviewed with Nick Poole for a position at Sharpsburg Assembly of God. Unfortunately it did not work out but I fell in love with the vision and passion of the vision of APC. Not only that but i would have considered it a pleasure working along side of Nick.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Courtney Bancroft Chi Alpha Temple University
It is important to get noticed on big campuses and is difficult to do. One way to get attention is to walk around campus with a "Homer Simpson" head. It began the Gospel according to the Simpsons.
Another time someone dressed up as Satan and autographed "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis books.
Being in Chi Alpha ministry is tough...one difficult part about it is raising the budget and traveling to churches constantly. Pastors were not always gracious with their funding, and on top of it, she was having stomach problems, and to top it all off her team members left her in the middle of it. Many times Pastors have a difficult time giving to Chi Alpha when the students bellies are full, they have smiles on their faces, and drive beamers! Whereas giving to starving children in Africa is much easier because there is more of a sense of urgency!
Beginning was difficult. She started by calling local churches and asking if there were any students that went to their church that went to Temple. Upon getting about 4 students out of the 10 total that you need in order to start a campus group. After that it was important to assign student leadership...to make a long story short the president of Chi Alpha ended up slapping Courtney! That is crazy, what in the world? That is crazy! Inevitably Courtney had to ask the girl to leave leadership position.
On top of all of this Courtney began to have minor seizures. These seizures began to get worse and worse and she ended up in the hospital and then in a coma! She is better now and is on medication and finally has her drivers license and car back!
The ministry can be discouraging at times because there are currently only 8 solid individuals who are Christian and that meet regularly. There are more people who come to events but these are unChristians, which is good, but is difficult when you have these individuals get drunk at events and bring cocaine to events. Of course this does not happen all of the time but nevertheless it still does.
One of the most difficult things that Courtney has had to learn is that she does not feel that she is as good at Chi Alpha as she thought she would be. Additionally, fulfilling the call of God on her life has been much more difficult that she thought it would be.
It has also been difficult to be a female in leadership. The Assemblies of God seem to want female leaders but structurally the AG programs do not work for women. For instance, cohorts and catalyst groups. They are mostly for men: topics, attendees, etc.
In regards to opposition from students on campus there only seems to be difficulties with certain groups. There seems to be a "raw hate" from gay trans gender groups.
Courtney seems like an incredible woman with an awesome desire and passion to serve college students. She seems to have good insight and is very level headed and down-to-earth. I feel that she is going to do a phenomenal job reaching our college students on Temple University.
If i ever have any questions about how to network and work with college campus within the local church I am definitely going to contact Courtney. She has a lot to offer and I am inspired by her committment and willingness to persevere during tough times!
Unchurched Friend # 2 Interview
I am incredibly excited to see the progress he is making in life. He has ambitions, goals, an dis looking forward at the possibilities that lie ahead of him.
Below is the interview:
1. What do you think is the greatest need in your area?
One major problem in my current area is the quality of highway transportation in and out of the surrounding area. With the improvement of this transportation I feel the area would experience more tourism, more business expansions and draw a more general interest as a whole.
2. Are you actively attending any church?
3. What are a few issues or topics that impact/interest you?
The Presidential Election
Interest rates, Tax rates (
Establishment of State Residency (According to Government Statutes)
4. Why do you think most people don’t attend church?
Church and education used to be linked together close enough to where you could have almost considered it to be one. Now with the two distinctly separated, religion is falling farther behind mainly to lack of teachings of religion.
5. If you were to look for a church to attend, what kind of things would you look for?
Acceptance without belief, one where you are entitled to formulate your own opinion but still be just as much a part of it as anyone else. Also one that’s mass consists not only of the teaching of the bible, but also considers how we live in the 21st century.
Be open minded of everyone’s beliefs and don’t try to impress your beliefs upon others, rather be more of a guide or adviser, and friend.